Remote places ...
There are nine standing lookout buildings in Glacier today, seven of them still reachable by maintained trail. The most remote and little-used of those trails leads to Loneman Lookout, overlooking the park's wild Nyack country. It's a trail that even today, may go weeks without seeing a hiker.
As a college kid working in the park, I became more and more intrigued by the idea of making it to Loneman, and I finally tackled it solo back in 1982. It was a grueling 14-mile roundtrip up a bear-infested mountain, with unmarked trails and two river crossings and not another soul for miles ... and all of those things made the hike and the destination all the better. I loved it up there.
I've visited Loneman a few times since then, both alone and with others. This is a photo a friend took of me on the Loneman catwalk in 1983:
The lookout, built in 1930, had been unused for a few years at that point. The park staffed it again for a decade or so in the early 2000s, but closed it down again after the 2018 season. It's a great vantage point, though, and if they let me take my dogs I'd love to spend a summer up there.
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